How to Clean Carpet Accidental Spills


Accidents such as spilling something on the carpet, for instance, a drink, can be quite a nuisance and unsightly. Fortunately, there are various things you could do to address the issue of spots on your carpet as soon as possible. This means washing the soiled area as soon as the spot is noticed to avoid setting it in and thus making it hard to remove. Please. Keep in mind, that the longer the soil sits in the carpet fibers, the higher the chances of permanently staining the carpet.

Time is critical

Your best chances of avoiding permanent staining is to blot up the spilled liquid as soon as possible. For best results, use a towel or paper towel to blot the liquid, but do but scrub. Blotting will absorb the liquid where scrubbing may drive the liquid deeper into the carpet.

Prepare Your Supplies

Before getting started, assemble all the supplies you will need:

- White cloth

- Paper towels

- Vinegar

- Hot water

- Toothbrush

- Spoon or a butter knife

Develop a Carpet Cleaner Solution

After blotting the liquid from the carpet, you can prepare a cleaning solution to get rid of the soil.

There are store bought commercial carpet cleaners or you can make one at home depending on your preference.

To make your own, mix together:  

- Add one tablespoon of white vinegar

· 2 cups of warm water

This mixture is used for sanitation and to further flush the carpet. Do not use dish soap, as it tends to be nearly impossible to remove from carpet and will continue to attract soils down the road, resulting in a worse stain over time.

For oil based spots, use windex, followed by a mixture of vinegar water.

Treat the Soiled Area

Take a clean white cloth and immerse it in the cleaning solution that you have prepared. Then, use this cloth to dab the soiled area. Substances should be applied by massaging the carpet's fibers without too much pressure.

A toothbrush can be used to gently agitate the carpet fibers, as this will help to loosen up the soil. If the soil has fully dried onto the carpet fibers, gently use a spoon or, the back edge of a knife, to agitate the soil from the carpet fibers.

Keep on blotting, brushing, and agitating until the soil is washed away or the spot is no longer visible. Finally, rinse the area with clean water using a clean cloth to flush any residual cleaners out of the carpet fibers.

Let the Carpet Dry

After you are done, use a wet/dry vacuum to suck up any remaining moisture, or place a fan over the effected area.